My Social Action Project was determined by the need for more reading books and a suitable reading area for Foundation Phase learners. The “Mobile Library” project provides both reading materials as well as equipment for learners to transform any quiet area into a comfortable and safe reading space.
Consider the effectiveness of the project, considering each component and reflecting on your learning experience as well as the impact on the school or community.
The Mobile Library has proven to be an effective implementation at the school. Learners were excited about finding new places to create comfortable reading corners. The setup of the Mobile Library has proven to be quick and efficient process, taking no more than a few minutes. Learners enjoyed reading new books they enjoyed, and teachers were also requesting for the Mobile Library to be put in their classrooms for a day, so that they could read to their learners. The mobility of the library has proven to be very convenient as the Mobile Library was simply rolled from one class to another for all to enjoy. For some learners the Mobile Library was used as an escape when they were feeling overwhelmed and overstimulated in the classroom. These learners could then find a quiet place somewhere in the school to set up the Mobile Library and reset. The community aided in the project by donating books and supplies for the Mobile Library. The Mobile Library has proved itself to be beneficial for the learners and the teachers at Thornton Primary School.
How has service-learning changed you personally?
Planning a Social Action Project which requires donations from the community was a new experience for me. Having not worked with the community before, I learnt a lot about the importance of collaboration. Community members donated books, and also offered many ideas on the best way to go about the project. It was a rewarding experience working with members of the community to collect books and materials for my Mobile Library. This Social Action Project really helped develop my communication and collaboration skills. I managed to build relationships with members of the community not only for myself, but for the school as well. This project really required me to overcome my fear of asking for assistance, and also how to take advice and accept help from others.
How has service-learning developed you professionally? What new knowledge, skills and/or attitudes have you gained?
This Social Action Project has benefitted my professional career in many ways. I have learnt that teachers need to collaborate with others to be successful. Collaboration with the community was one of the main reasons for the success of this project. I have also gained more knowledge of the importance of a quiet and comfortable reading environment for learners. Learners would ask if they could use the Mobile Library because they were overwhelmed with the noise in the classroom, or they just needed a break from work. These learners would always come back to the classroom with a relaxed demeanour, and were more willing to engage in lessons. This shows that allowing learners to reset by reading in a quiet area for a few minutes, is beneficial to their performance in the classroom.
Overall, Thornton Primary School were thankful that the project was implemented, and plans on making Mobile Libraries a permanent implementation at the school. The initiative is sustainable as it does not require any further maintenance.
Your Service-Learning Project is so inspiring!
The project has helped with communication, I agree with you on that.
I enjoyed this. 😊😊